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FTP Basics: A Beginner's Guide to File Transfer Protocol

What is FTP?

FTP allows transferring files from your computer to a web server. It's used for publishing websites.

Client-Server Model

An FTP client app connects to an FTP server over the internet.

Main FTP Tasks

Upload files to web servers and download files from servers.

FTP Client Software

FTP clients like FileZilla provide an interface for file transfers.

Connecting to an FTP Server

Use given server address, username and password. Standard port is 21.

Types of FTP Connections

SFTP and FTPS are encrypted. Unencrypted FTP sends plain text data.

Using FTP for Web Publishing

Upload your web page files to hosting servers to make your website live.


Understanding the basics of FTP protocols and clients allows web developers to easily publish websites by transferring files to and from servers. With FTP client software and access credentials, you can connect to upload, download, and manage your web hosting files.

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